

The Brand is called SKONO.  It's a Norwegian brand that embodies 'Norwegian Culture and Modern Sensibility' My first time seeing the brand was in downtown Daejeon SK and I was immediately intrigued!  Super Sweet! Im 'bout to cop sum ASAP!!!


~my heart in 3 pieces~

Yes. I've clearly not been faithful to this blogging business. However, I found this draft of a post that never finished before I left and I just wanted to put it up for a few select people in my life.....

Last worked on Sept 9th 2009:
With all this going to Korea business people are always asking me if I'm scared or nervous. Legitimate enough question indeed. Yes, I know that I'm going to be immersed in a completely different culture that I know little to nothing about. Yes, I realize that things will be difficult for me at times...probably many times. Yes, I realize that my *keen* sense of direction which gets me lost in my own country will undoubtedly fail me in a foreign land. However, chalk it up to my highly optimistic nature, my perceived invincibility factor or even my naivety -I'm not scared, nervous, nor apprehensive in the least. It's because I know that the hardest part for me will not be adjusting to the new food, language, culture and lifestyle that I'm about to experience. I'm highly adaptable and enjoy new situations so no worries there. No, the hardest part will most definitely be leaving the 3 people who have made my life here at home so fun-filled and absolutely wonderful. Many say college holds the best years of your life. Since i've now had a seasoned 22 of them today- happy birthday to me- I believe I can concur to that and it's all thanks to three beautiful women: EAISHA JOHNSON, MARDEZ DESMOND & ASHLEY 'RED' CALDWELL. We've done it all- from breaking into St. John's arena to sleep on gymnastic mats when we were homeless, to smuggling peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to our track meets in order to save our meal money, to killing spiders for...well, me...when I run naked screaming out of the shower! LMBO! I'm letting the world know now, no matter where I go, who I meet, or what experience God blesses me with, these three will ALWAYS be my VERY BESTIES!

Now that I'm here I can confirm that these three girls are DEFINITELY what I miss the most about the USA. (along with Pineapple Orange Banana juice, Twizzlers, Enchilladas, Dreylese African Restaurant and hair care products). And Yes MarDez, You guys alone are enough incentive for me to come back! I love you Ladies with my heart! See you soon!!!! =)


The Anticipation of A.J.

It's the day before my "supposed" leaving date for South Korea. (not to mention my Birthday!!! :) I say "supposed" because although my flight was scheduled for 6:11am in the morning, the Korean consulate office is having communication problems with the Korean immigration system, thereby delaying my visa & departure...yet again. :( Nonetheless, I remain optimistic! I shall certainly be out of the States this week!

Within the past few months I've had quite a few conversations with people about my leaving for Korea. I've received a myriad of responses which unsurprisingly seem to fall into category by age. Those in my age group are normally quite excited for me and agree that it will be "way cool and I should send back gifts and are nikes cheaper over there?" (No, they aren't!) The middle aged folks- those who are around the age of my beautiful mother- assure me that it will be a "rewarding experience and be careful what you eat". Older people, however, are often sure that I am "entirely too young for the journey" and warn me that it is inevitable that i'll end up in a dark and gloomy jail cell in North Korea....& also "be careful what you eat!"
Of course, there are radical deviations to be found within my observations. One such includes a 30 something year old ex-convict whom I met at the greyhound (12 years for a murder charge) who heavily chastised my aspirations to teach english in South Korea while there are "black kids in America who need more help." His accusations included "selling my soul for the almighty dollar." Just to put it out there, this is not an not an attempt to "abandon my people" or "the cause", as he put it. I simply want to get my feet wet in the international world, build my resume, and at the same time, get that "rewarding experience" all the 30-40 year olds were talking about!